Local areas and groups of partners


    • Quality Indicators tool Good quality co-production and participation is required by the Children and Families Act 2014 and subsequent SEND legislation. However, this process and its success depends on organisational cultures fostering and embedding this approach. The Quality Indicators self-evaluation tool has been produced to help groups, organisations and partnerships identify and develop good practice in how they work together in co-production, both operationally and strategically. Evidence shows that when local area partners actively work towards the Quality Indicators together, a culture of inclusion and co-production begins to thrive, trust strengthens, relationships flourish and better outcomes are generated for all.
    • Quality Indicator Framework Guidance to be used alongside the Quality Indicators.
    • How the Four Cornerstones support Voice and Influence – this tool is for schools, settings and organisations as well as clusters of organisations such as multi-academy trusts and local areas. It provides guidance on how you peoples’ voice can best be meaningfully facilitated.
    • A seminar by Genuine Partnerships on co-production; engagement, empowerment and measuring successful outcomes in Early years.