Genuine Partnerships is commissioned by Rotherham local authority to promote and strengthen co-production and inclusive practice across the borough – within schools, settings, providers and Education, Health and Care services, including the voluntary sector. Current projects include:
- Making Four Cornerstones materials freely available and accessible for all
- Establishing peer support networks
- Borough wide Cornerstones training to ensure that there is increasing awareness and adoption of the Cornerstones Approach by all our schools, settings, providers and services
- Updating our toolkit through the collation of Good Practice examples
- Guiding Voices young people’s ‘SEND Board’
- Contribution to the SEND Strategic Board
- Contribution to the Preparing for Adulthood Strategic Board
- Partnership with the University of Sheffield to support a PhD focusing on the transition experiences of young people
- Pilot of the Charter Gold Accreditation process in a local secondary school
- Research project involving parent carers of children and young people from the Slovak Roma community, followed by by training roll out
- Consultation, training and support for services across Education, Health and Care as requested
- Partnership with Rotherham’s Children and Young People’s Consortium (voluntary and community sector organisations)