Welcome to Genuine Partnerships. We are a friendly team of practitioners, parent carers and young people. We work together as equal partners modelling and supporting co-production and inclusive practice, making this everybody’s business. Inclusive practice is ensuring that everyone is included and accepted as an equal. Co-production is working together on something in equal partnership from the start.

We are based in Rotherham and work with schools, settings and services across our local area.

We also support and facilitate projects and training with partners in areas across the Yorkshire and Humber region and nationally, in partnership with national charity Contact.

Our approach is based upon the Rotherham Charter and the Four Cornerstones of Co-production and Inclusive Practice:

Welcome and Care
Value and Include
Work in Partnership

developing and nurturing each of these to build


The Cornerstones grew out of the experiences of Rotherham children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parent carers. The Genuine Partnerships team promotes the Cornerstones Approach as a tried and tested way of embedding partnership working and inclusive practice within the culture and ethos of any organisation, and at an area level.

This relational way of working is set out in the Children and Families Act 2014 and the SEND Code of Practice and should be the foundation of any graduated response. By strengthening relationships and empowering voice, it boosts everybody’s emotional health and wellbeing.

Take a look at our website to find out more about us and our work.


Shortlisted for nasen Awards 2024 - Co-Production Initiative of the Year