Simple self-evaluation tool – This is a simple and easy-to-use starting tool to explore initial thoughts about how well your organisation is doing in relation to the Four Charter principles. It can be used to gather the views of parents and carers, children and young people and other users. How are we doing (in relation to the Cornerstones) and how could we be even better?
The Four Cornerstones Approach – If you are committed to strengthening inclusive practice, emotional health and wellbeing within your ethos and culture, this is the tool for you. Build trust by making a strong commitment to welcome and care, value and include, communicate and work in partnership.h This a comprehensive self-evaluation tool co-produced with schools, settings and services. It is designed to help schools, settings and services pinpoint and organise evidence to demonstrate their good practice and work out their next steps.
Success Measures – This tool was co-created by Genuine Partnerships in partnership with national charity Contact. It draws upon principles of co-production and is intended as a supplement to the self-evaluation tool. The tool will enable schools, settings and services to generate quantitative outcomes (standards) that will help them measure/evidence good quality inclusion and co-production within their organisations.
Embedding the Four Cornerstones into Team and Service Plans – if you wish to create a team or service plan that aims to embed the Cornerstones in policy and practice, this should be an outcome of a co-productive process that actively involves everybody in the team’s community in its development, including service users/partners.This tool includes guidance and a simple template that will help.
Working Together in Partnership to Restore Trust – this document uses the Four Cornerstones to provide a framework for schools, settings and services to use with individuals to support the restoration of relationships. It adopts an appreciative approach, highlighting positive experiences and asking how things could be even better.
How the Four Cornerstones support Voice and Influence– this tool is for schools, settings and organisations as well as clusters of organisations such as multi-academy trusts and local areas. It provides guidance on how you peoples’ voice can best be meaningfully facilitated.