
The Rotherham Charter has been developed in equal partnership by Rotherham Local Authority and Rotherham Parents Forum Ltd. It involves schools, colleges, settings and services demonstrating real commitment to the four principles.

The aim is that embarking on a Charter journey will strengthen partnerships with young people, parents and carers by nurturing confidence and trust. A wide range of tools, positive activities, training and appreciative support packages have been devised by the team to help organisations genuinely embed the principles into their ethos and processes. We would encourage those wishing to celebrate their excellent practice to pursue Charter Gold Accreditation.

The Charter team is friendly and diverse, made up of parents, carers, practitioners and young people working together in co- production. A tiered model of support has been developed to suit the individual needs of your school, college, setting or service.

A simple Cornerstones self-evaluation Tool for schools, settings and services has also been developed.  Take a moment to look how well you are doing.

Simple Cornerstones Self-evaluation