As a parent carer or a young person you may be interested in becoming actively involved with the Genuine Partnerships/Rotherham Charter team.
If I want to get more involved or become a volunteer for the Genuine Partnerships team, what do I need to do?
Contact one of our team members to talk about what you would like to do, and how your experiences and skills can support the team. We always try to have a sensitive and supportive approach to suit all skills, needs and preferences. Contact information is given below.
How much time will I be expected to commit?
This can be flexible and based on individual circumstances. We are very happy to discuss it with you personally. We hold termly Implementation Team meetings, which last about 2 hours during school time.
What am I am expected to do as a volunteer?
You can participate as much or as little as you like. There is no expectation for you to do anything with which you are not comfortable. We offer free training which will give you an insight into the team and how we work. There is equal partnership within the team and we will always offer a buddying system. You can shadow experienced team members to gain confidence and, if you would like to, you may eventually wish to become a Parent Carer or Young Person Lead.
What is a Parent Carer or Young Person Lead?
A Parent Carer or Young Person Lead works in partnership with a Practitioner Lead to help deliver the Implementation of the Charter process within schools, services and settings.
If you wish to become involved or for a chat just email