Strengthening Co-Production

One day interactive programme

Co-production is a particular and empowering way of working, unique to each context, and requires careful nurturing. You can’t simply plant one model of co-production and expect it to thrive, which is why it is so hard to replicate. But you’re not alone. Every local area has a responsibility under section 19 of the Children and Families Act 2014, and in considering their Ofsted / CQC joint Local Area inspection, to face this question.

The great news is that Rotherham-based Genuine Partnerships, together with national delivery partner Contact, can help. The Strengthening Co-production one day programme* is based upon the Four Cornerstones of Co-production and is designed to support local areas in bringing all partners together to better understand co-production, evaluate how well they are doing and how they could make the experience even better, introducing tools and guidance that will enable next steps to be planned in more equal partnership.


Welcome and Care
Value and Include
Work in Partnership

developing and nurturing each of these to build



Strengthening Co-production: only £1,280 plus expenses

Your training will be delivered by an experienced parent carer or young person together with a practitioner. We will work in partnership with you to learn more about your local context. We will also offer informal guidance about working together in equal partnership as you are planning your event, and in action planning afterwards.

Please ask about bespoke alternatives, additional support, planning, next steps and VOICES.

Contact Eva for more information or to discuss in more detail:
email or telephone 01709 822580