
Charter Gold Accreditation for Schools, Colleges and Settings

Schools, colleges and settings awarded Charter Gold have demonstrated the following examples of excellent Charter practice:

  • They have worked to a Charter development plan over an approximately two year period
  • They have developed Charter practice as a whole team, showing sustainable commitment
  • Processes involve working in partnership with parents, carers, children and young people
  • They incorporate cycles of gathering feedback, working in partnership (including negotiating actions) and clearly communicating outcomes
  • There are clear systems showing that Charter practice is embedded, ensuring that the principles live on and evolve despite an ever changing population
  • There is a portfolio evidencing and showcasing ‘Best Charter Practice’

The Charter Implementation Team will offer support throughout the process. The time frame for Accreditation is decided in agreement with the Charter Implementation Team but in general takes approximately two years.

The Accreditation day involves a new Charter Accreditation Team which has not previously worked with the school, college or setting. The team will work with the original Charter Implementation Team to explore excellent Charter practice in partnership with parents, children and young people.

Charter Gold schools, colleges and settings are celebrated at an annual Charter Gold Celebration Event. This is a fabulous event showcasing excellent Charter practice with entertainment by and for children and young people.


Charter Gold Re-accreditation

Following Charter Gold Accreditation ongoing support is offered which includes: telephone consultation, an annual Charter Gold workshop, invitation to the Charter Celebration Event, access to the on-line Charter Promise tool and support to prepare for Re-accreditation.

Charter schools, colleges and settings previously awarded Charter Gold may wish to seek Re-accreditation approximately three years from the date of their previous Charter Gold Award.