News and Events

We are delighted to announce the next round of the Charter First Steps training programme for any school, setting, college or service wishing to demonstrate their commitment to the Rotherham Charter principles and strengthen their practice!!

Charter First Steps    “Excellent Training”             “…enlightening…”               

“All content well-presented and well-paced.  Content was engaging and powerful – put a fire inside of me to implement the principles and work on the Charter”

Charter First steps for Head Teachers, Inclusion Managers and Service Leaders This unique two day course for senior representatives is a first step for schools, settings, colleges or services keen to show their commitment to the Rotherham Charter principles. We would like you to attend together with a parent/carer or young person who already has voice/the confidence to represent other parents and young people (for example a Parent Governor, member of Parent Forum or PTA, or School Council representative). You will find out more together and begin building on your good practice to strengthen the Charter way of working within your organisation.

More comprehensive packages of support leading to Charter Gold accreditation are available for those schools, settings, colleges and services wishing to go on to demonstrate a fuller commitment and choose to undertake the Charter process.

The Rotherham Charter is nationally acclaimed and a fundamental aspect of Rotherham’s SEND Local Offer and Inclusion Strategy. It is imperative that all Rotherham schools, settings, colleges and services begin to consider how best they can celebrate their current Charter practice as well as identify areas for development by participating in this new, innovative training opportunity.

Full details can be found by clicking here

Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. We look forward to seeing you there!

Young people – watch out for news daily