What difference will consultation with Genuine Partnerships make to your Local Area?
- A better understanding of how well your Local Area or organisation is doing when it comes to co-production
- A dynamic co-production next steps action plan
- Development of interactive processes and systems that further engage and involve key SEND partners including parent carers, young people, schools and settings, Education, Health and Care partners
- Greater mutual understanding and strengthened relationships
Click here for the full brochure
Our interactive and informative one day training packages are designed to be accessed by practitioners, parents, carers and young people. We are also happy to work with you to create a bespoke package of training and support. Please contact us for more information and to chat about the possibilities.
Strengthening Co-production
Strengthening Co-production is based upon the Four Cornerstones of Co-production Approach and is designed to support local areas and organisations in engaging and bringing partners together to better understand and further develop co-production and inclusive practice in a collaborative way
The Listening Package:
How we listen: developing the right skills to work effectively in partnership with children, young people and families
Appreciative Inquiry:
Looking for nuggets and helping create heaps of gold: Using positive psychology in working together to build on personal and organisational strengths to achieve dreams and agreed goals
Theo’s story – there’s another side to this!
A focus on the voice of the young person: A case study emphasising the importance of really hearing and genuinely responding to the stories young people are sharing when they are sometimes submerged by so many other voices, processes and agendas